The screening sold out weeks ahead. So we were excited anyhow. But who would have guessed that from the first, lucky breath of early summer air, Maria Dolores Lopez would proclaim Seattle for Little Asia, the very best American way: friendliest & sunniest place for a whole week, full of Evergreen State lakes to take a swim in May with Seattleites who created a cycling paradise with lots of colorful, naked angels who treated her like a rockstar. Beyond inspirational. And when the STIFF committee awarded as best documentary feature winners Dan McComb & Lisa Cooper, the miracle makers of the amazingly moving «Beyond Naked» with whom our humble rat was program paired with, she couldn’t different than be proud of her appendage feeling & fall into complete groupietism. That our production countries are wrongly listed in the program book, doesn’t matter in this case apparently because put «Wild Rice Without A Rat» on the map & it actually received fundings from Italy, Spain, Switzerland & USA … As marijuana is legal in Washington State.